Why do college kids smoke so much weed and drink so much alcohol?!
college is normally the time when ppl want to feel like adults yet be irresponsible. they want to have fun & party & enjoy new experiences.. its normal adolescent behavior, most ppl grow out of it, some dont
its because college is usually the first time kids live on their own... they have the freedom and opportunity to look into their curiosity freely (for those who haven't tried drinking/pot in HS) without worrying about their parents... and a lot of people like the feeling of being drunk/high so they do it a lot. interesting tid-bit, but most kids who party-hardy their first year in a university usually don't make it to a second year- either parents won't pay them to party and fail most their classes, or they can't afford it personally...
College is the first time most kids don't have rules for the first time and can finally try new things they wanted to in their teen years. They realize they can do anything and are at the point in life where they have to decide who they want to be and the standards they want to hold. Some of them set high standards others are a bit lower. It's just part of growing up.
I agree with babs, boo, sugarpie completely. It's the time between high school and the "real world" when people can for the last time act like kids and live lives that are relatively responsibility free. College was an amazing time for me....I think it is for most people, but not just because of the drinking and smokin.
I guess from the sounds of it and watching movies on it, its tradition, once your at college its party time its not just to get a great education for the future
that can be attributed to what they call YOUTH ADVENTURISM. 8))
Because they're young and have friends.
since they are not enough mature to think that such things have bad impacts